Photos from Historic SportsCar Racing at Sebring on Thursday, December 6th, 2024 are available and cover the following sessions:
Included in this set are: Global GT/Classic RS Cup, V/GTC B.R.M Chronographies Endurance Challenge - 1 hour race, HSR Nascar Classic Qualifying 2, HSR Group 10/11 WeatherTech Sprint Race 1, SascoSports International American Challenge Race, HSR Groyp 6/9 WeatherTech Sprint Race 1, HSR Group 5/7 WeatherTech Sprint Race 1. I was unable to stay any later for the rest of the races as I had to return home to prepare for work the next day. Had a great time!
"the Best of" photos will be coming soon - a set of the best photos taken over the 2 day period.
Also, if you have a BMW racing in 2025 and would like your press releases to be published here, register on the site and contact me and I'll send you my email address. It is private to prevent spam and unwanted emails.
Jessica - thanks for bringing me back to Sebring - you are #1!